A Little About Longshot

Name: David Hunt

 Born: July, 1956

Location: St.Louis,Missouri

E-Mail Address: "Longshot@wizzywigweb.com"  

Family: (Wife of 27 yrs.) Vicky,       (Daughter) Linsey,       (Son) James "Buffalo Chip"

Occupation: Truck Driver
(or as I like to call it: "Interstate Transportation Engineer")

   I enjoy attending many of the local Rendezvous whenever I can with my son "Buffalo Chip'. I will portray the roll of  a "Western Mountain Man" or an "Eastern Longhunter" depending on the particular event or what mood I might be in. (Guess you could say I am sort of a cross-dresser)    They call me Longshot at rendezvous, a handle that got laid on me when I was having a "right on" shooting spree.  (As the tale goes: "I could shoot the eye out of a buffler at a hunert yards, but I couldn't hit him up close if I shoved my barrel up his ars and pult the trigger.")  
   Currently I am shooting a "Tennessee Mountain Rifle" (.50 cal. Green Mountain barrel-1 in 72 twist, L&R Durs-Egg Flintlock, Davis double set triggers, Curly Maple full stock) which I had custom built by Don L. of Belleville, Illinois.
   I also still carry my first front stuffin' gun, a C.V.A St. Louis Hawken, which is a good shooter for what it is.   However, the kids have begun learning to shoot on this one and ownership has become a questionable issue.
  I am a member of "The Red Horse Mountainmen" which started out as a black powder shooting club in central Missouri located in Prairie Home. We are a small club which over time has evolved into more of a Botherhood than a club. Please visit out site at:     Red Horse Mountainmen

Hobbies (Other):

    I am also into Harley Davidson motorcycles.   It's one of those things that got into the blood and stayed with me for life. Been riding bikes since the mid '70's. Over the years I rode with a few close friends here and there, most of whom don't ride any more. Mostly you would find me riding alone. Old age and a growing dislike for crowds means you won't find me hanging around most of the big "Bike Events" and not caring to ride in a large group of riders I don't know and who's riding habits I know even less means you won't find me in most of the local rides. I'm not really into the "Biker Lifestyle" and never belonged to any clubs etc. as I've never really been a joiner anyway. For me it's just about the riding. Nowadays however, I have got a new riding partner as my son has taken up the sport as well.

                              Click here to see some of my Harley Pix from over the years.

"Longshot" is what they call me down to Rendezvous as explained above.

 "Scooter" is my handle out on the road.

   Scooter is a handle I wear with pride. It's the shortened version of of the original handle that was laid on me many, many years ago in my youth, when I had a job and a foreman who was a retired Marine Corp Drill Seargent. Riding a Harley with a black leather jacket and having long hair, I represented everything in this world that old man hated. When I walked into work every morning the old guy would start to shake, his hard hat visor would tap against his glasses and he would mutter under his breath: "God Damned Scooter Tramp"
   So my handle was "The God Damned Scooter Tramp" but when on the road and asked I would just reply "Scooter Tramp" and folks would naturally shorten it to Scooter in conversation. So over the years it just became "Scooter".

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